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use diesel::r2d2::R2D2Connection;
use diesel::PgConnection;
use diesel_migrations::{embed_migrations, EmbeddedMigrations, MigrationHarness};
use std::error::Error;
pub mod model;
mod schema;
// Alias for a pooled connection.
// pub type Connection = diesel::r2d2::PooledConnection<diesel::r2d2::ConnectionManager<diesel::pg::PgConnection>>;
// Alias for a normal, single, connection.
pub type Connection = PgConnection;
pub const MIGRATIONS: EmbeddedMigrations = embed_migrations!("migrations");
/// Runs all pending database migrations.
/// Will return an error if the database connection is invalid, or if any of the
/// migrations fail. Otherwise, it returns Ok()
/// # Errors
/// * If the database connection is invalid
/// * If checking for pending database migrations fails
/// * If any of the database migrations fail
pub fn run_db_migration(
conn: &mut Connection,
) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error + Send + Sync + 'static>> {
// Check DB connection!
match {
Ok(_) => {}
Err(e) => {
eprint!("[run_db_migration]: Error connecting to database: {}", e);
return Err(Box::new(e));
// Run all pending migrations.
match conn.run_pending_migrations(MIGRATIONS) {
Ok(_) => Ok(()),
Err(e) => {
eprint!("[run_db_migration]: Error migrating database: {}", e);
/// Revert all pending database migrations.
/// # Arguments
/// * `conn` - A mutable reference to a `Connection` object.
/// # Errors
/// * If there is an error while connecting to the database.
/// * If there is an error while reverting the database migrations.
pub fn revert_db_migration(
conn: &mut Connection,
) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error + Send + Sync + 'static>> {
// Check DB connection!
if {
} else if let Err(e) = {
eprint!("[pg_cmdb]: Error connecting to database: {}", e);
return Err(Box::new(e));
// Revert all pending migrations
match conn.revert_all_migrations(MIGRATIONS) {
Ok(_) => Ok(()),
Err(e) => {
eprint!("[pg_cmdb]: Error reverting database migrations: {}", e);