Function alpha1

pub fn alpha1<Input, Error>(
    input: &mut Input,
) -> Result<<Input as Stream>::Slice, Error>
where Input: StreamIsPartial + Stream, <Input as Stream>::Token: AsChar, Error: ParserError<Input>,
Expand description

Recognizes one or more lowercase and uppercase ASCII alphabetic characters: 'a'..='z', 'A'..='Z'

Complete version: Will return an error if there’s not enough input data, or the whole input if no terminating token is found (a non alphabetic character).

[Partial version][crate::_topic::partial]: Will return Err(winnow::error::ErrMode::Incomplete(_)) if there’s not enough input data, or if no terminating token is found (a non alphabetic character).

§Effective Signature

Assuming you are parsing a &str Stream:

pub fn alpha1<'i>(input: &mut &'i str) -> ModalResult<&'i str>


fn parser<'s>(input: &mut &'s str) -> ModalResult<&'s str> {

assert_eq!(parser.parse_peek("aB1c"), Ok(("1c", "aB")));
assert_eq!(alpha1::<_, ErrMode<ContextError>>.parse_peek(Partial::new("aB1c")), Ok((Partial::new("1c"), "aB")));
assert!(alpha1::<_, ErrMode<ContextError>>.parse_peek(Partial::new("1c")).is_err());
assert_eq!(alpha1::<_, ErrMode<ContextError>>.parse_peek(Partial::new("")), Err(ErrMode::Incomplete(Needed::new(1))));