use crate::*;
use rounding::{NonDigitRoundingData, InsigData};
use stdlib::fmt::Write;
use stdlib::num::NonZeroUsize;
include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/"));
impl fmt::Display for BigDecimal {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
impl fmt::Display for BigDecimalRef<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
impl fmt::LowerExp for BigDecimal {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
fmt::LowerExp::fmt(&self.to_ref(), f)
impl fmt::LowerExp for BigDecimalRef<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let abs_int = self.digits.to_str_radix(10);
format_exponential(*self, f, abs_int, "e")
impl fmt::UpperExp for BigDecimal {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
fmt::UpperExp::fmt(&self.to_ref(), f)
impl fmt::UpperExp for BigDecimalRef<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let abs_int = self.digits.to_str_radix(10);
format_exponential(*self, f, abs_int, "E")
impl fmt::Debug for BigDecimal {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
if f.alternate() {
write!(f, "BigDecimal(\"{}e{:}\")", self.int_val, -self.scale)
} else {
"BigDecimal(sign={:?}, scale={}, digits={:?})",
self.sign(), self.scale, self.int_val.magnitude().to_u64_digits()
fn dynamically_format_decimal(
this: BigDecimalRef,
f: &mut fmt::Formatter,
leading_zero_threshold: usize,
trailing_zero_threshold: usize,
) -> fmt::Result {
let abs_int = this.digits.to_str_radix(10);
let leading_zero_count = this.scale
.and_then(|scale| scale.checked_sub(abs_int.len() as u64))
let trailing_zero_count = this.scale
.and_then(|d| d.to_u64());
let trailing_zeros = f.precision().map(|_| 0)
let leading_zero_threshold = leading_zero_threshold as u64;
let trailing_zero_threshold = trailing_zero_threshold as u64;
if f.precision().is_none() && leading_zero_threshold < leading_zero_count {
format_exponential(this, f, abs_int, "E")
} else if trailing_zero_threshold < trailing_zeros {
format_dotless_exponential(f, abs_int, this.sign, this.scale, "e")
} else {
format_full_scale(this, f, abs_int)
pub(crate) struct FullScaleFormatter<'a>(pub BigDecimalRef<'a>);
impl fmt::Display for FullScaleFormatter<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let n = self.0;
let non_negative = matches!(n.sign, Sign::Plus | Sign::NoSign);
let mut digits = n.digits.to_string();
if n.scale <= 0 {
digits.extend(stdlib::iter::repeat('0').take(n.scale.neg() as usize));
} else if n.scale < digits.len() as i64 {
digits.insert(digits.len() - n.scale as usize, '.');
} else {
let mut digit_vec = digits.into_bytes();
let dest_str_size = n.scale as usize + 2;
let digit_count = digit_vec.len();
let leading_char_idx = dest_str_size - digit_count;
digit_vec.resize(dest_str_size, b'0');
digit_vec.copy_within(0..digit_count, leading_char_idx);
fill_slice(&mut digit_vec[..digit_count.min(leading_char_idx)], b'0');
digit_vec[1] = b'.';
digits = String::from_utf8(digit_vec).unwrap();
f.pad_integral(non_negative, "", &digits)
fn format_full_scale(
this: BigDecimalRef,
f: &mut fmt::Formatter,
abs_int: String,
) -> fmt::Result {
use stdlib::cmp::Ordering::*;
let mut digits = abs_int.into_bytes();
let mut exp = 0;
let non_negative = matches!(this.sign, Sign::Plus | Sign::NoSign);
debug_assert_ne!(digits.len(), 0);
let rounder = NonDigitRoundingData::default_with_sign(this.sign);
if this.scale <= 0 {
exp = (this.scale as i128).neg();
zero_right_pad_integer_ascii_digits(&mut digits, &mut exp, f.precision());
} else {
let scale = this.scale as u64;
let target_scale = f.precision().and_then(|prec| prec.to_u64()).unwrap_or(scale);
if scale < digits.len() as u64 {
format_ascii_digits_with_integer_and_fraction(&mut digits, scale, target_scale, rounder);
} else {
format_ascii_digits_no_integer(&mut digits, scale, target_scale, rounder);
let mut buf = String::from_utf8(digits).unwrap();
if exp != 0 {
write!(buf, "e{:+}", exp)?;
f.pad_integral(non_negative, "", &buf)
fn zero_right_pad_integer_ascii_digits(
digits: &mut Vec<u8>,
exp: &mut i128,
target_scale: Option<usize>,
) {
debug_assert!(*exp >= 0);
debug_assert_ne!(digits.len(), 0);
let integer_zero_count = match exp.to_usize() {
Some(n) => n,
None => { return; }
if target_scale.is_none() && integer_zero_count > 20 {
let fraction_zero_char_count;
let decimal_place_idx;
if let Some(frac_zero_count) = target_scale.and_then(NonZeroUsize::new) {
fraction_zero_char_count = frac_zero_count.get() + 1;
decimal_place_idx = Some(digits.len() + integer_zero_count);
} else {
fraction_zero_char_count = 0;
decimal_place_idx = None;
let total_additional_zeros = integer_zero_count.saturating_add(fraction_zero_char_count);
if total_additional_zeros > FMT_MAX_INTEGER_PADDING {
digits.resize(digits.len() + total_additional_zeros, b'0');
if let Some(decimal_place_idx) = decimal_place_idx {
digits[decimal_place_idx] = b'.';
*exp = 0;
fn format_ascii_digits_with_integer_and_fraction(
digits_ascii_be: &mut Vec<u8>,
scale: u64,
target_scale: u64,
rounder: NonDigitRoundingData,
) {
debug_assert!(scale < digits_ascii_be.len() as u64, "No integer digits");
let mut digit_scale = scale;
if target_scale < scale {
let digit_count_to_remove = (scale - target_scale)
.expect("Precision exceeds maximum usize");
let rounding_idx = NonZeroUsize::new(digits_ascii_be.len() - digit_count_to_remove)
.expect("decimal must have integer digits");
let scale_diff = round_ascii_digits(digits_ascii_be, rounding_idx, rounder);
match scale_diff.checked_sub(digit_scale as usize) {
None | Some(0) => {
digit_scale -= scale_diff as u64;
Some(zeros_to_add) => {
digits_ascii_be.resize(digits_ascii_be.len() + zeros_to_add, b'0');
digit_scale = 0;
if target_scale != 0 {
let integer_digit_count = (digits_ascii_be.len() as u64 - digit_scale)
.expect("Number of digits exceeds maximum usize");
digits_ascii_be.insert(integer_digit_count, b'.');
if digit_scale < target_scale {
let trailing_zero_count = (target_scale - digit_scale)
.expect("Too Big");
digits_ascii_be.resize(digits_ascii_be.len() + trailing_zero_count, b'0');
digit_scale += trailing_zero_count as u64;
debug_assert_eq!(digit_scale, target_scale);
fn format_ascii_digits_no_integer(
digits_ascii_be: &mut Vec<u8>,
scale: u64,
target_scale: u64,
rounder: NonDigitRoundingData,
) {
use stdlib::cmp::Ordering::*;
debug_assert!(scale >= digits_ascii_be.len() as u64);
let leading_zeros = scale - digits_ascii_be.len() as u64;
match arithmetic::diff(target_scale, leading_zeros) {
(Less, intermediate_zeros) | (Equal, intermediate_zeros) => {
let (insig_digit, trailing_digits) = if intermediate_zeros > 0 {
(0, digits_ascii_be.as_slice())
} else {
(digits_ascii_be[0] - b'0', &digits_ascii_be[1..])
let insig_data = InsigData::from_digit_and_lazy_trailing_zeros(
rounder, insig_digit, || trailing_digits.iter().all(|&d| d == b'0')
let rounded_digit = insig_data.round_digit(0);
debug_assert_ne!(rounded_digit, 10);
if target_scale > 0 {
digits_ascii_be.resize(target_scale as usize + 1, b'0');
digits_ascii_be.push(rounded_digit + b'0');
if target_scale > 0 {
digits_ascii_be[1] = b'.';
(Greater, sig_digit_count) => {
let significant_digit_count = sig_digit_count
.expect("Request overflow in sig_digit_count");
let mut digit_scale = scale;
if significant_digit_count.get() < digits_ascii_be.len() {
let removed_digit_count = round_ascii_digits(
digits_ascii_be, significant_digit_count, rounder
digit_scale -= removed_digit_count as u64;
let trailing_zeros = target_scale - digit_scale;
let dest_len = target_scale as usize + 2;
let sig_digit_count = digits_ascii_be.len();
let sig_digit_idx = dest_len - trailing_zeros as usize - sig_digit_count;
digits_ascii_be.resize(dest_len, b'0');
if digit_scale != 0 {
digits_ascii_be.copy_within(..sig_digit_count, sig_digit_idx);
fill_slice(&mut digits_ascii_be[..sig_digit_count.min(sig_digit_idx)], b'0');
} else {
debug_assert_eq!(sig_digit_count, 1);
digits_ascii_be[1] = b'.';
fn fill_slice<T: Clone>(v: &mut [T], value: T) {
fn fill_slice<T: Clone>(v: &mut [T], value: T) {
for i in v.iter_mut() {
*i = value.clone();
fn format_dotless_exponential(
f: &mut fmt::Formatter,
mut abs_int: String,
sign: Sign,
scale: i64,
e_symbol: &str,
) -> fmt::Result {
debug_assert!(scale <= 0);
write!(abs_int, "{}{:+}", e_symbol, -scale).unwrap();
let non_negative = matches!(sign, Sign::Plus | Sign::NoSign);
f.pad_integral(non_negative, "", &abs_int)
fn format_exponential(
this: BigDecimalRef,
f: &mut fmt::Formatter,
abs_int: String,
e_symbol: &str,
) -> fmt::Result {
let exp = (this.scale as i128).neg();
let digits = abs_int.into_bytes();
digits, this.sign, exp, f, e_symbol
fn format_exponential_bigendian_ascii_digits(
mut digits: Vec<u8>,
sign: Sign,
mut exp: i128,
f: &mut fmt::Formatter,
e_symbol: &str,
) -> fmt::Result {
let mut extra_trailing_zero_count = 0;
if let Some(prec) = f.precision() {
let total_prec = prec + 1;
if total_prec < digits.len() {
let rounder = NonDigitRoundingData::default_with_sign(sign);
let target_scale = NonZeroUsize::new(total_prec).unwrap();
let delta_exp = round_ascii_digits(&mut digits, target_scale, rounder);
exp += delta_exp as i128;
extra_trailing_zero_count = total_prec - digits.len();
let needs_decimal_point = digits.len() > 1 || extra_trailing_zero_count > 0;
let mut abs_int = String::from_utf8(digits).unwrap();
let exponent = abs_int.len() as i128 + exp - 1;
if needs_decimal_point {
abs_int.insert(1, '.');
if extra_trailing_zero_count > 0 {
write!(abs_int, "{}{:+}", e_symbol, exponent)?;
let non_negative = matches!(sign, Sign::Plus | Sign::NoSign);
f.pad_integral(non_negative, "", &abs_int)
fn round_ascii_digits(
digits_ascii_be: &mut Vec<u8>,
significant_digit_count: NonZeroUsize,
rounder: NonDigitRoundingData,
) -> usize {
debug_assert!(significant_digit_count.get() < digits_ascii_be.len());
let (sig_digits, insig_digits) = digits_ascii_be.split_at(significant_digit_count.get());
let (&insig_digit, trailing_digits) = insig_digits.split_first().unwrap_or((&b'0', &[]));
let insig_data = InsigData::from_digit_and_lazy_trailing_zeros(
rounder, insig_digit - b'0', || trailing_digits.iter().all(|&d| d == b'0')
let rounding_digit_pos = significant_digit_count.get() - 1;
let sig_digit = sig_digits[rounding_digit_pos] - b'0';
let rounded_digit = insig_data.round_digit(sig_digit);
let mut removed_digit_count = insig_digits.len();
if rounded_digit < 10 {
digits_ascii_be.push(rounded_digit + b'0');
return removed_digit_count;
debug_assert!(rounded_digit == 10);
let next_non_nine_rev_pos = digits_ascii_be.iter().rev().position(|&d| d != b'9');
match next_non_nine_rev_pos {
Some(backwards_nine_count) => {
let digits_to_trim = backwards_nine_count + 1;
let idx = digits_ascii_be.len() - digits_to_trim;
digits_ascii_be[idx] += 1;
digits_ascii_be.truncate(idx + 1);
removed_digit_count += digits_to_trim;
None => {
removed_digit_count += significant_digit_count.get();
return removed_digit_count;
pub(crate) fn write_scientific_notation<W: Write>(n: &BigDecimal, w: &mut W) -> fmt::Result {
if n.is_zero() {
return w.write_str("0e0");
if n.int_val.sign() == Sign::Minus {
let digits = n.int_val.magnitude();
let dec_str = digits.to_str_radix(10);
let (first_digit, remaining_digits) = dec_str.as_str().split_at(1);
if !remaining_digits.is_empty() {
write!(w, "e{}", remaining_digits.len() as i128 - n.scale as i128)
pub(crate) fn write_engineering_notation<W: Write>(n: &BigDecimal, out: &mut W) -> fmt::Result {
if n.is_zero() {
return out.write_str("0e0");
if n.int_val.sign() == Sign::Minus {
let digits = n.int_val.magnitude();
let dec_str = digits.to_str_radix(10);
let digit_count = dec_str.len();
let top_digit_exponent = digit_count as i128 - n.scale as i128;
let shift_amount = match top_digit_exponent.rem_euclid(3) {
0 => 3,
i => i as usize,
let exp = top_digit_exponent - shift_amount as i128;
if let Some(padding_zero_count) = shift_amount.checked_sub(dec_str.len()) {
let zeros = &"000"[..padding_zero_count];
return write!(out, "e{}", exp);
let (head, rest) = dec_str.split_at(shift_amount);
debug_assert_eq!(exp % 3, 0);
if !rest.is_empty() {
return write!(out, "e{}", exp);
mod test {
use super::*;
use paste::*;
macro_rules! impl_case {
($name:ident : $in:literal => $ex:literal) => {
fn $name() {
let n: BigDecimal = $in.parse().unwrap();
let s = test_fmt_function!(n);
assert_eq!(&s, $ex);
struct Fmt<F>(F)
where F: Fn(&mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result;
impl<F> fmt::Display for Fmt<F>
where F: Fn(&mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
impl<F> fmt::Debug for Fmt<F>
where F: Fn(&mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
mod dynamic_fmt {
use super::*;
macro_rules! test_fmt_function {
($n:ident) => {{
format!("{}", Fmt(|f| dynamically_format_decimal($n.to_ref(), f, 2, 9)))
impl_case!(case_0d123: "0.123" => "0.123");
impl_case!(case_0d0123: "0.0123" => "0.0123");
impl_case!(case_0d00123: "0.00123" => "0.00123");
impl_case!(case_0d000123: "0.000123" => "1.23E-4");
impl_case!(case_123d: "123." => "123");
impl_case!(case_123de1: "123.e1" => "1230");
mod fmt_options {
use super::*;
macro_rules! impl_case {
($name:ident: $fmt:literal => $expected:literal) => {
fn $name() {
let x = test_input();
let y = format!($fmt, x);
assert_eq!(y, $expected);
mod dec_1 {
use super::*;
fn test_input() -> BigDecimal {
impl_case!(fmt_default: "{}" => "1");
impl_case!(fmt_d1: "{:.1}" => "1.0");
impl_case!(fmt_d4: "{:.4}" => "1.0000");
impl_case!(fmt_4d1: "{:4.1}" => " 1.0");
impl_case!(fmt_r4d1: "{:>4.1}" => " 1.0");
impl_case!(fmt_l4d1: "{:<4.1}" => "1.0 ");
impl_case!(fmt_p05d1: "{:+05.1}" => "+01.0");
impl_case!(fmt_e: "{:e}" => "1e+0");
impl_case!(fmt_E: "{:E}" => "1E+0");
mod dec_1e1 {
use super::*;
fn test_input() -> BigDecimal {
BigDecimal::new(1.into(), -1)
impl_case!(fmt_default: "{}" => "10");
impl_case!(fmt_debug: "{:?}" => "BigDecimal(sign=Plus, scale=-1, digits=[1])");
impl_case!(fmt_debug_alt: "{:#?}" => "BigDecimal(\"1e1\")");
impl_case!(fmt_d0: "{:.0}" => "10");
impl_case!(fmt_d1: "{:.1}" => "10.0");
impl_case!(fmt_d2: "{:.2}" => "10.00");
mod dec_1en1 {
use super::*;
fn test_input() -> BigDecimal {
BigDecimal::new(1.into(), 1)
impl_case!(fmt_default: "{}" => "0.1");
impl_case!(fmt_d0: "{:.0}" => "0");
impl_case!(fmt_d1: "{:.1}" => "0.1");
impl_case!(fmt_d2: "{:.2}" => "0.10");
mod dec_9en1 {
use super::*;
fn test_input() -> BigDecimal {
BigDecimal::new(9.into(), 1)
impl_case!(fmt_default: "{}" => "0.9");
impl_case!(fmt_d0: "{:.0}" => "1");
impl_case!(fmt_d1: "{:.1}" => "0.9");
impl_case!(fmt_d4: "{:.4}" => "0.9000");
mod dec_800en3 {
use super::*;
fn test_input() -> BigDecimal {
BigDecimal::new(800.into(), 3)
impl_case!(fmt_default: "{}" => "0.800");
impl_case!(fmt_d0: "{:.0}" => "1");
impl_case!(fmt_d1: "{:.1}" => "0.8");
impl_case!(fmt_d3: "{:.3}" => "0.800");
impl_case!(fmt_d9: "{:.9}" => "0.800000000");
mod dec_123456 {
use super::*;
fn test_input() -> BigDecimal {
impl_case!(fmt_default: "{}" => "123456");
impl_case!(fmt_d1: "{:.1}" => "123456.0");
impl_case!(fmt_d4: "{:.4}" => "123456.0000");
impl_case!(fmt_4d1: "{:4.1}" => "123456.0");
impl_case!(fmt_15d2: "{:15.2}" => " 123456.00");
impl_case!(fmt_r15d2: "{:>15.2}" => " 123456.00");
impl_case!(fmt_l15d2: "{:<15.2}" => "123456.00 ");
impl_case!(fmt_p05d1: "{:+05.7}" => "+123456.0000000");
mod dec_d099995 {
use super::*;
fn test_input() -> BigDecimal {
impl_case!(fmt_default: "{}" => "0.099995");
impl_case!(fmt_d0: "{:.0}" => "0");
impl_case!(fmt_d1: "{:.1}" => "0.1");
impl_case!(fmt_d3: "{:.3}" => "0.100");
mod dec_d9999999 {
use super::*;
fn test_input() -> BigDecimal {
impl_case!(fmt_default: "{}" => "0.9999999");
impl_case!(fmt_d0: "{:.0}" => "1");
impl_case!(fmt_d1: "{:.1}" => "1.0");
impl_case!(fmt_d3: "{:.3}" => "1.000");
mod dec_9999999 {
use super::*;
fn test_input() -> BigDecimal {
impl_case!(fmt_default: "{}" => "9999999");
impl_case!(fmt_d1: "{:.1}" => "9999999.0");
impl_case!(fmt_d8: "{:.8}" => "9999999.00000000");
impl_case!(fmt_e: "{:e}" => "9.999999e+6");
impl_case!(fmt_E: "{:E}" => "9.999999E+6");
impl_case!(fmt_d0e: "{:.0e}" => "1e+7");
impl_case!(fmt_d1e: "{:.1e}" => "1.0e+7");
impl_case!(fmt_d2e: "{:.2e}" => "1.00e+7");
impl_case!(fmt_d4e: "{:.4e}" => "1.0000e+7");
impl_case!(fmt_d6e: "{:.6e}" => "9.999999e+6");
impl_case!(fmt_d7e: "{:.7e}" => "9.9999990e+6");
impl_case!(fmt_d10e: "{:.10e}" => "9.9999990000e+6");
mod dec_19073d97235939614856 {
use super::*;
fn test_input() -> BigDecimal {
impl_case!(fmt_default: "{}" => "19073.97235939614856");
impl_case!(fmt_pd7: "{:+.7}" => "+19073.9723594");
impl_case!(fmt_d0: "{:.0}" => "19074");
impl_case!(fmt_d1: "{:.1}" => "19074.0");
impl_case!(fmt_d3: "{:.3}" => "19073.972");
impl_case!(fmt_d4: "{:.4}" => "19073.9724");
impl_case!(fmt_8d3: "{:8.3}" => "19073.972");
impl_case!(fmt_10d3: "{:10.3}" => " 19073.972");
impl_case!(fmt_010d3: "{:010.3}" => "019073.972");
mod dec_10950633712399d557 {
use super::*;
fn test_input() -> BigDecimal {
impl_case!(fmt_default: "{}" => "10950633712399.557");
impl_case!(fmt_d0: "{:.0}" => "10950633712400");
impl_case!(fmt_d1: "{:.1}" => "10950633712399.6");
impl_case!(fmt_d2: "{:.2}" => "10950633712399.56");
impl_case!(fmt_d3: "{:.3}" => "10950633712399.557");
impl_case!(fmt_d4: "{:.4}" => "10950633712399.5570");
mod dec_n90037659d6902 {
use super::*;
fn test_input() -> BigDecimal {
impl_case!(fmt_default: "{}" => "-90037659.6905");
impl_case!(fmt_debug: "{:?}" => "BigDecimal(sign=Minus, scale=4, digits=[900376596905])");
impl_case!(fmt_debug_alt: "{:#?}" => "BigDecimal(\"-900376596905e-4\")");
impl_case!(fmt_pd7: "{:+.7}" => "-90037659.6905000");
impl_case!(fmt_d0: "{:.0}" => "-90037660");
impl_case!(fmt_d3: "{:.3}" => "-90037659.690");
impl_case!(fmt_d4: "{:.4}" => "-90037659.6905");
impl_case!(fmt_14d4: "{:14.4}" => "-90037659.6905");
impl_case!(fmt_15d4: "{:15.4}" => " -90037659.6905");
impl_case!(fmt_l17d5: "{:<17.5}" => "-90037659.69050 ");
mod dec_0d0002394899999500 {
use super::*;
fn test_input() -> BigDecimal {
impl_case!(fmt_default: "{}" => "0.0002394899999500");
impl_case!(fmt_d0: "{:.0}" => "0");
impl_case!(fmt_d1: "{:.1}" => "0.0");
impl_case!(fmt_d3: "{:.3}" => "0.000");
impl_case!(fmt_d4: "{:.4}" => "0.0002");
impl_case!(fmt_d5: "{:.5}" => "0.00024");
impl_case!(fmt_d10: "{:.10}" => "0.0002394900");
impl_case!(fmt_d13: "{:.13}" => "0.0002394900000");
impl_case!(fmt_d14: "{:.14}" => "0.00023948999995");
impl_case!(fmt_d20: "{:.20}" => "0.00023948999995000000");
mod dec_1764031078en13 {
use super::*;
fn test_input() -> BigDecimal {
BigDecimal::new(1764031078.into(), 13)
impl_case!(fmt_default: "{}" => "0.0001764031078");
impl_case!(fmt_d1: "{:.1}" => "0.0");
impl_case!(fmt_d3: "{:.3}" => "0.000");
impl_case!(fmt_d4: "{:.4}" => "0.0002");
impl_case!(fmt_d5: "{:.5}" => "0.00018");
impl_case!(fmt_d13: "{:.13}" => "0.0001764031078");
impl_case!(fmt_d20: "{:.20}" => "0.00017640310780000000");
mod dec_1e15 {
use super::*;
fn test_input() -> BigDecimal {
impl_case!(fmt_default: "{}" => "1000000000000000");
impl_case!(fmt_d0: "{:.0}" => "1000000000000000");
impl_case!(fmt_d1: "{:.1}" => "1000000000000000.0");
mod dec_1e16 {
use super::*;
fn test_input() -> BigDecimal {
impl_case!(fmt_default: "{}" => "1e+16");
impl_case!(fmt_d0: "{:.0}" => "10000000000000000");
impl_case!(fmt_d2: "{:.2}" => "10000000000000000.00");
mod dec_491326en12 {
use super::*;
fn test_input() -> BigDecimal {
impl_case!(fmt_default: "{}" => "4.91326E-7");
impl_case!(fmt_d0: "{:.0}" => "0");
impl_case!(fmt_d1: "{:.1}" => "0.0");
impl_case!(fmt_d3: "{:.3}" => "0.000");
impl_case!(fmt_d5: "{:.5}" => "0.00000");
impl_case!(fmt_d6: "{:.7}" => "0.0000005");
impl_case!(fmt_d9: "{:.9}" => "0.000000491");
impl_case!(fmt_d20: "{:.20}" => "0.00000049132600000000");
impl_case!(fmt_d0e: "{:.0E}" => "5E-7");
impl_case!(fmt_d1e: "{:.1E}" => "4.9E-7");
impl_case!(fmt_d3e: "{:.3E}" => "4.913E-7");
impl_case!(fmt_d5e: "{:.5E}" => "4.91326E-7");
impl_case!(fmt_d6e: "{:.6E}" => "4.913260E-7");
mod dec_0d00003102564500 {
use super::*;
fn test_input() -> BigDecimal {
impl_case!(fmt_default: "{}" => "0.00003102564500");
impl_case!(fmt_d0: "{:.0}" => "0");
impl_case!(fmt_d1: "{:.1}" => "0.0");
impl_case!(fmt_d2: "{:.2}" => "0.00");
impl_case!(fmt_d4: "{:.4}" => "0.0000");
impl_case!(fmt_d5: "{:.5}" => "0.00003");
impl_case!(fmt_d10: "{:.10}" => "0.0000310256");
impl_case!(fmt_d14: "{:.14}" => "0.00003102564500");
impl_case!(fmt_d17: "{:.17}" => "0.00003102564500000");
impl_case!(fmt_e: "{:e}" => "3.102564500e-5");
impl_case!(fmt_de: "{:.e}" => "3.102564500e-5");
impl_case!(fmt_d0e: "{:.0e}" => "3e-5");
impl_case!(fmt_d1e: "{:.1e}" => "3.1e-5");
impl_case!(fmt_d4e: "{:.4e}" => "3.1026e-5");
mod dec_1en100000 {
use super::*;
fn test_input() -> BigDecimal {
impl_case!(fmt_default: "{}" => "1E-10000");
impl_case!(fmt_d: "{:.0}" => "0");
impl_case!(fmt_d1: "{:.1}" => "0.0");
impl_case!(fmt_d4: "{:.4}" => "0.0000");
impl_case!(fmt_d1E: "{:.1E}" => "1.0E-10000");
impl_case!(fmt_d4E: "{:.4E}" => "1.0000E-10000");
mod dec_1e100000 {
use super::*;
fn test_input() -> BigDecimal {
impl_case!(fmt_default: "{}" => "1e+100000");
impl_case!(fmt_d1: "{:.1}" => "1e+100000");
impl_case!(fmt_d4: "{:.4}" => "1e+100000");
mod dec_1234506789E5 {
use super::*;
fn test_input() -> BigDecimal {
BigDecimal::new(1234506789.into(), -5)
impl_case!(fmt_default: "{}" => "123450678900000");
impl_case!(fmt_d1: "{:.1}" => "123450678900000.0");
impl_case!(fmt_d3: "{:.3}" => "123450678900000.000");
impl_case!(fmt_d4: "{:.4}" => "123450678900000.0000");
impl_case!(fmt_l13d4: "{:<23.4}" => "123450678900000.0000 ");
impl_case!(fmt_r13d4: "{:>23.4}" => " 123450678900000.0000");
mod dec_1234506789E15 {
use super::*;
fn test_input() -> BigDecimal {
BigDecimal::new(1234506789.into(), -15)
impl_case!(fmt_default: "{}" => "1234506789000000000000000");
impl_case!(fmt_d1: "{:.1}" => "1234506789000000000000000.0");
impl_case!(fmt_d3: "{:.3}" => "1234506789000000000000000.000");
impl_case!(fmt_l13d4: "{:<+32.2}" => "+1234506789000000000000000.00 ");
impl_case!(fmt_r13d4: "{:>+32.2}" => " +1234506789000000000000000.00");
mod dec_13400476439814628800E2502 {
use super::*;
fn test_input() -> BigDecimal {
BigDecimal::new(13400476439814628800u64.into(), -2502)
impl_case!(fmt_default: "{}" => "13400476439814628800e+2502");
impl_case!(fmt_d1: "{:.1}" => "13400476439814628800e+2502");
mod dec_d9999 {
use super::*;
fn test_input() -> BigDecimal {
impl_case!(fmt_default: "{}" => "0.9999");
impl_case!(fmt_d0: "{:.0}" => "1");
impl_case!(fmt_d1: "{:.1}" => "1.0");
impl_case!(fmt_d2: "{:.2}" => "1.00");
impl_case!(fmt_d3: "{:.3}" => "1.000");
impl_case!(fmt_d4: "{:.4}" => "0.9999");
impl_case!(fmt_d6: "{:.6}" => "0.999900");
mod dec_9d99 {
use super::*;
fn test_input() -> BigDecimal {
impl_case!(fmt_default: "{}" => "9.99");
impl_case!(fmt_d0: "{:.0}" => "10");
impl_case!(fmt_d1: "{:.1}" => "10.0");
impl_case!(fmt_d2: "{:.2}" => "9.99");
impl_case!(fmt_d3: "{:.3}" => "9.990");
mod fmt_boundaries {
use super::*;
macro_rules! impl_case {
( $name:ident: $src:expr => $expected:literal ) => {
fn $name() {
let src = $src;
let bd: BigDecimal = src.parse().unwrap();
let result = bd.to_string();
assert_eq!(result, $expected);
let round_trip = BigDecimal::from_str(&result).unwrap();
assert_eq!(round_trip, bd);
let sci = bd.to_scientific_notation();
let sci_round_trip = BigDecimal::from_str(&sci).unwrap();
assert_eq!(sci_round_trip, bd);
let eng = bd.to_engineering_notation();
let eng_round_trip = BigDecimal::from_str(&eng).unwrap();
assert_eq!(eng_round_trip, bd);
( (eng-check-invalid) $name:ident: $src:expr => $expected:literal ) => {
fn $name() {
let src = $src;
let bd: BigDecimal = src.parse().unwrap();
let result = bd.to_string();
assert_eq!(result, $expected);
let round_trip = BigDecimal::from_str(&result).unwrap();
assert_eq!(round_trip, bd);
let sci = bd.to_scientific_notation();
let sci_round_trip = BigDecimal::from_str(&sci).unwrap();
assert_eq!(sci_round_trip, bd);
let eng = bd.to_engineering_notation();
let eng_round_trip = BigDecimal::from_str(&eng);
( (panics) $name:ident: $src:expr ) => {
fn $name() {
let src = $src;
let _bd: BigDecimal = src.parse().unwrap();
impl_case!(test_max: format!("1E{}", i64::MAX) => "1e+9223372036854775807");
impl_case!(test_max_multiple_digits: format!("314156E{}", i64::MAX) => "314156e+9223372036854775807");
impl_case!(test_min_scale: "1E9223372036854775807" => "1e+9223372036854775807");
impl_case!((eng-check-invalid) test_max_scale: "1E-9223372036854775807" => "1E-9223372036854775807");
impl_case!(test_min_multiple_digits: format!("271828182E-{}", i64::MAX) => "2.71828182E-9223372036854775799");
impl_case!((panics) test_max_exp_overflow: "1E9223372036854775809");
impl_case!((panics) test_min_exp_overflow: "1E-9223372036854775808");
fn test_fmt() {
let vals = vec![
(1, 0, ( "1", "1.0", "1.0000", " 1.0", "+01.0", "1.0 " )),
(1, 1, ( "0.1", "0.1", "0.1000", " 0.1", "+00.1", "0.1 " )),
(1, 2, ( "0.01", "0.0", "0.0100", " 0.0", "+00.0", "0.0 " )),
(1, -2, ( "100", "100.0", "100.0000", "100.0", "+100.0", "100.0" )),
(-1, 0, ( "-1", "-1.0", "-1.0000", "-1.0", "-01.0", "-1.0" )),
(-1, 1, ( "-0.1", "-0.1", "-0.1000", "-0.1", "-00.1", "-0.1" )),
(-1, 2, ( "-0.01", "-0.0", "-0.0100", "-0.0", "-00.0", "-0.0" )),
for (i, scale, results) in vals {
let x = BigDecimal::new(num_bigint::BigInt::from(i), scale);
assert_eq!(format!("{}", x), results.0);
assert_eq!(format!("{:.1}", x), results.1);
assert_eq!(format!("{:.4}", x), results.2);
assert_eq!(format!("{:4.1}", x), results.3);
assert_eq!(format!("{:+05.1}", x), results.4);
assert_eq!(format!("{:<4.1}", x), results.5);
mod fmt_debug {
use super::*;
macro_rules! impl_case {
($name:ident: $input:literal => $expected:literal => $expected_alt:literal) => {
paste! {
fn $name() {
let x: BigDecimal = $input.parse().unwrap();
let y = format!("{:?}", x);
assert_eq!(y, $expected);
fn [< $name _alt >]() {
let x: BigDecimal = $input.parse().unwrap();
let y = format!("{:#?}", x);
assert_eq!(y, $expected_alt);
impl_case!(case_0: "0" => r#"BigDecimal(sign=NoSign, scale=0, digits=[])"#
=> r#"BigDecimal("0e0")"#);
impl_case!(case_n0: "-0" => r#"BigDecimal(sign=NoSign, scale=0, digits=[])"#
=> r#"BigDecimal("0e0")"#);
impl_case!(case_1: "1" => r#"BigDecimal(sign=Plus, scale=0, digits=[1])"#
=> r#"BigDecimal("1e0")"#);
impl_case!(case_123_400: "123.400" => r#"BigDecimal(sign=Plus, scale=3, digits=[123400])"#
=> r#"BigDecimal("123400e-3")"#);
impl_case!(case_123_4en2: "123.4e-2" => r#"BigDecimal(sign=Plus, scale=3, digits=[1234])"#
=> r#"BigDecimal("1234e-3")"#);
impl_case!(case_123_456: "123.456" => r#"BigDecimal(sign=Plus, scale=3, digits=[123456])"#
=> r#"BigDecimal("123456e-3")"#);
impl_case!(case_01_20: "01.20" => r#"BigDecimal(sign=Plus, scale=2, digits=[120])"#
=> r#"BigDecimal("120e-2")"#);
impl_case!(case_1_20: "1.20" => r#"BigDecimal(sign=Plus, scale=2, digits=[120])"#
=> r#"BigDecimal("120e-2")"#);
impl_case!(case_01_2e3: "01.2E3" => r#"BigDecimal(sign=Plus, scale=-2, digits=[12])"#
=> r#"BigDecimal("12e2")"#);
impl_case!(case_avagadro: "6.02214076e1023" => r#"BigDecimal(sign=Plus, scale=-1015, digits=[602214076])"#
=> r#"BigDecimal("602214076e1015")"#);
impl_case!(case_1e99999999999999 : "1e99999999999999" => r#"BigDecimal(sign=Plus, scale=-99999999999999, digits=[1])"#
=> r#"BigDecimal("1e99999999999999")"#);
impl_case!(case_n144d3308279 : "-144.3308279" => r#"BigDecimal(sign=Minus, scale=7, digits=[1443308279])"#
=> r#"BigDecimal("-1443308279e-7")"#);
impl_case!(case_n349983058835858339619e2 : "-349983058835858339619e2"
=> r#"BigDecimal(sign=Minus, scale=-2, digits=[17941665509086410531, 18])"#
=> r#"BigDecimal("-349983058835858339619e2")"#);
mod write_scientific_notation {
use super::*;
macro_rules! test_fmt_function {
($n:expr) => { $n.to_scientific_notation() };
impl_case!(case_4_1592480782835e9 : "4159248078.2835" => "4.1592480782835e9");
impl_case!(case_1_234e_5 : "0.00001234" => "1.234e-5");
impl_case!(case_0 : "0" => "0e0");
impl_case!(case_1 : "1" => "1e0");
impl_case!(case_2_00e0 : "2.00" => "2.00e0");
impl_case!(case_neg_5_70e1 : "-57.0" => "-5.70e1");
mod write_engineering_notation {
use super::*;
macro_rules! test_fmt_function {
($n:expr) => { $n.to_engineering_notation() };
impl_case!(case_4_1592480782835e9 : "4159248078.2835" => "4.1592480782835e9");
impl_case!(case_12_34e_6 : "0.00001234" => "12.34e-6");
impl_case!(case_0 : "0" => "0e0");
impl_case!(case_1 : "1" => "1e0");
impl_case!(case_2_00e0 : "2.00" => "2.00e0");
impl_case!(case_neg_5_70e1 : "-57.0" => "-57.0e0");
impl_case!(case_5_31e4 : "5.31e4" => "53.1e3");
impl_case!(case_5_31e5 : "5.31e5" => "531e3");
impl_case!(case_5_31e6 : "5.31e6" => "5.31e6");
impl_case!(case_5_31e7 : "5.31e7" => "53.1e6");
impl_case!(case_1e2 : "1e2" => "100e0");
impl_case!(case_1e119 : "1e19" => "10e18");
impl_case!(case_1e3000 : "1e3000" => "1e3000");
impl_case!(case_4_2e7 : "4.2e7" => "42e6");
impl_case!(case_4_2e8 : "4.2e8" => "420e6");
impl_case!(case_4e99999999999999 : "4e99999999999999" => "4e99999999999999");
impl_case!(case_4e99999999999998 : "4e99999999999998" => "400e99999999999996");
impl_case!(case_44e99999999999998 : "44e99999999999998" => "4.4e99999999999999");
impl_case!(case_4e99999999999997 : "4e99999999999997" => "40e99999999999996");
impl_case!(case_41e99999999999997 : "41e99999999999997" => "410e99999999999996");
impl_case!(case_413e99999999999997 : "413e99999999999997" => "4.13e99999999999999");
#[cfg(all(test, property_tests))]
mod proptests {
use super::*;
use paste::paste;
use proptest::prelude::*;
use proptest::num::f64::NORMAL as NormalF64;
macro_rules! impl_parsing_test {
($t:ty) => {
paste! { proptest! {
fn [< roudtrip_to_str_and_back_ $t >](n: $t) {
let original = BigDecimal::from(n);
let display = format!("{}", original);
let parsed = display.parse::<BigDecimal>().unwrap();
prop_assert_eq!(&original, &parsed);
} }
(from-float $t:ty) => {
paste! { proptest! {
fn [< roudtrip_to_str_and_back_ $t >](n: $t) {
let original = BigDecimal::try_from(n).unwrap();
let display = format!("{}", original);
let parsed = display.parse::<BigDecimal>().unwrap();
prop_assert_eq!(&original, &parsed);
} }
impl_parsing_test!(from-float f32);
impl_parsing_test!(from-float f64);
proptest! {
fn float_formatting(f in NormalF64, prec in 0..21usize) {
let d = BigDecimal::from_f64(f).unwrap();
let f_fmt = format!("{f:.prec$}");
let d_fmt = format!("{d:.prec$}").replace("+", "");
prop_assert_eq!(f_fmt, d_fmt);
proptest! {
fn scientific_notation_roundtrip(f: f64) {
prop_assume!(!f.is_nan() && !f.is_infinite());
let n = BigDecimal::from_f64(f).unwrap();
let s = n.to_scientific_notation();
let m: BigDecimal = s.parse().unwrap();
prop_assert_eq!(n, m);
fn engineering_notation_roundtrip(f: f64) {
prop_assume!(!f.is_nan() && !f.is_infinite());
let n = BigDecimal::from_f64(f).unwrap();
let s = n.to_engineering_notation();
let m: BigDecimal = s.parse().unwrap();
prop_assert_eq!(n, m);