
1// This file is part of ICU4X. For terms of use, please see the file
2// called LICENSE at the top level of the ICU4X source tree
3// (online at: ).
5macro_rules! impl_tinystr_subtag {
6    (
7        $(#[$doc:meta])*
8        $name:ident,
9        $($path:ident)::+,
10        $macro_name:ident,
11        $legacy_macro_name:ident,
12        $len_start:literal..=$len_end:literal,
13        $tinystr_ident:ident,
14        $validate:expr,
15        $normalize:expr,
16        $is_normalized:expr,
17        $error:ident,
18        [$good_example:literal $(,$more_good_examples:literal)*],
19        [$bad_example:literal $(, $more_bad_examples:literal)*],
20    ) => {
21        #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord, Copy)]
22        #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Serialize))]
23        #[repr(transparent)]
24        $(#[$doc])*
25        pub struct $name(tinystr::TinyAsciiStr<$len_end>);
27        impl $name {
28            /// A constructor which takes a UTF-8 slice, parses it and
29            #[doc = concat!("produces a well-formed [`", stringify!($name), "`].")]
30            ///
31            /// # Examples
32            ///
33            /// ```
34            #[doc = concat!("use icu_locid::", stringify!($($path::)+), stringify!($name), ";")]
35            ///
36            #[doc = concat!("assert!(", stringify!($name), "::try_from_bytes(b", stringify!($good_example), ").is_ok());")]
37            #[doc = concat!("assert!(", stringify!($name), "::try_from_bytes(b", stringify!($bad_example), ").is_err());")]
38            /// ```
39            pub const fn try_from_bytes(v: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, crate::parser::errors::ParserError> {
40                Self::try_from_bytes_manual_slice(v, 0, v.len())
41            }
43            /// Equivalent to [`try_from_bytes(bytes[start..end])`](Self::try_from_bytes),
44            /// but callable in a `const` context (which range indexing is not).
45            pub const fn try_from_bytes_manual_slice(
46                v: &[u8],
47                start: usize,
48                end: usize,
49            ) -> Result<Self, crate::parser::errors::ParserError> {
50                let slen = end - start;
52                #[allow(clippy::double_comparisons)] // if len_start == len_end
53                if slen < $len_start || slen > $len_end {
54                    return Err(crate::parser::errors::ParserError::$error);
55                }
57                match tinystr::TinyAsciiStr::from_bytes_manual_slice(v, start, end) {
58                    Ok($tinystr_ident) if $validate => Ok(Self($normalize)),
59                    _ => Err(crate::parser::errors::ParserError::$error),
60                }
61            }
63            #[doc = concat!("Safely creates a [`", stringify!($name), "`] from its raw format")]
64            /// as returned by [`Self::into_raw`]. Unlike [`Self::try_from_bytes`],
65            /// this constructor only takes normalized values.
66            pub const fn try_from_raw(
67                v: [u8; $len_end],
68            ) -> Result<Self, crate::parser::errors::ParserError> {
69                if let Ok($tinystr_ident) = tinystr::TinyAsciiStr::<$len_end>::try_from_raw(v) {
70                    if $tinystr_ident.len() >= $len_start && $is_normalized {
71                        Ok(Self($tinystr_ident))
72                    } else {
73                        Err(crate::parser::errors::ParserError::$error)
74                    }
75                } else {
76                    Err(crate::parser::errors::ParserError::$error)
77                }
78            }
80            #[doc = concat!("Unsafely creates a [`", stringify!($name), "`] from its raw format")]
81            /// as returned by [`Self::into_raw`]. Unlike [`Self::try_from_bytes`],
82            /// this constructor only takes normalized values.
83            ///
84            /// # Safety
85            ///
86            /// This function is safe iff [`Self::try_from_raw`] returns an `Ok`. This is the case
87            /// for inputs that are correctly normalized.
88            pub const unsafe fn from_raw_unchecked(v: [u8; $len_end]) -> Self {
89                Self(tinystr::TinyAsciiStr::from_bytes_unchecked(v))
90            }
92            /// Deconstructs into a raw format to be consumed by
93            /// [`from_raw_unchecked`](Self::from_raw_unchecked()) or
94            /// [`try_from_raw`](Self::try_from_raw()).
95            pub const fn into_raw(self) -> [u8; $len_end] {
96                *self.0.all_bytes()
97            }
99            #[inline]
100            /// A helper function for displaying as a `&str`.
101            pub const fn as_str(&self) -> &str {
102                self.0.as_str()
103            }
105            #[doc(hidden)]
106            pub const fn into_tinystr(&self) -> tinystr::TinyAsciiStr<$len_end> {
107                self.0
108            }
110            /// Compare with BCP-47 bytes.
111            ///
112            /// The return value is equivalent to what would happen if you first converted
113            /// `self` to a BCP-47 string and then performed a byte comparison.
114            ///
115            /// This function is case-sensitive and results in a *total order*, so it is appropriate for
116            /// binary search. The only argument producing [`Ordering::Equal`](core::cmp::Ordering::Equal)
117            /// is `self.as_str().as_bytes()`.
118            #[inline]
119            pub fn strict_cmp(self, other: &[u8]) -> core::cmp::Ordering {
120                self.as_str().as_bytes().cmp(other)
121            }
123            /// Compare with a potentially unnormalized BCP-47 string.
124            ///
125            /// The return value is equivalent to what would happen if you first parsed the
126            /// BCP-47 string and then performed a structural comparison.
127            ///
128            #[inline]
129            pub fn normalizing_eq(self, other: &str) -> bool {
130                self.as_str().eq_ignore_ascii_case(other)
131            }
132        }
134        impl core::str::FromStr for $name {
135            type Err = crate::parser::errors::ParserError;
137            fn from_str(source: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
138                Self::try_from_bytes(source.as_bytes())
139            }
140        }
142        impl<'l> From<&'l $name> for &'l str {
143            fn from(input: &'l $name) -> Self {
144                input.as_str()
145            }
146        }
148        impl From<$name> for tinystr::TinyAsciiStr<$len_end> {
149            fn from(input: $name) -> Self {
150                input.into_tinystr()
151            }
152        }
154        impl writeable::Writeable for $name {
155            #[inline]
156            fn write_to<W: core::fmt::Write + ?Sized>(&self, sink: &mut W) -> core::fmt::Result {
157                sink.write_str(self.as_str())
158            }
159            #[inline]
160            fn writeable_length_hint(&self) -> writeable::LengthHint {
161                writeable::LengthHint::exact(self.0.len())
162            }
163            #[inline]
164            fn write_to_string(&self) -> alloc::borrow::Cow<str> {
165                alloc::borrow::Cow::Borrowed(self.0.as_str())
166            }
167        }
169        writeable::impl_display_with_writeable!($name);
171        #[doc = concat!("A macro allowing for compile-time construction of valid [`", stringify!($name), "`] subtags.")]
172        ///
173        /// # Examples
174        ///
175        /// Parsing errors don't have to be handled at runtime:
176        /// ```
177        /// assert_eq!(
178        #[doc = concat!("  icu_locid::", $(stringify!($path), "::",)+ stringify!($macro_name), "!(", stringify!($good_example) ,"),")]
179        #[doc = concat!("  ", stringify!($good_example), ".parse::<icu_locid::", $(stringify!($path), "::",)+ stringify!($name), ">().unwrap()")]
180        /// );
181        /// ```
182        ///
183        /// Invalid input is a compile failure:
184        /// ```compile_fail,E0080
185        #[doc = concat!("icu_locid::", $(stringify!($path), "::",)+ stringify!($macro_name), "!(", stringify!($bad_example) ,");")]
186        /// ```
187        ///
188        #[doc = concat!("[`", stringify!($name), "`]: crate::", $(stringify!($path), "::",)+ stringify!($name))]
189        #[macro_export]
190        #[doc(hidden)]
191        macro_rules! $legacy_macro_name {
192            ($string:literal) => {{
193                use $crate::$($path ::)+ $name;
194                const R: $name =
195                    match $name::try_from_bytes($string.as_bytes()) {
196                        Ok(r) => r,
197                        #[allow(clippy::panic)] // const context
198                        _ => panic!(concat!("Invalid ", $(stringify!($path), "::",)+ stringify!($name), ": ", $string)),
199                    };
200                R
201            }};
202        }
203        #[doc(inline)]
204        pub use $legacy_macro_name as $macro_name;
206        #[cfg(feature = "databake")]
207        impl databake::Bake for $name {
208            fn bake(&self, env: &databake::CrateEnv) -> databake::TokenStream {
209                env.insert("icu_locid");
210                let string = self.as_str();
211                databake::quote! { icu_locid::$($path::)+ $macro_name!(#string) }
212            }
213        }
215        #[test]
216        fn test_construction() {
217            let maybe = $name::try_from_bytes($good_example.as_bytes());
218            assert!(maybe.is_ok());
219            assert_eq!(maybe, $name::try_from_raw(maybe.unwrap().into_raw()));
220            assert_eq!(maybe.unwrap().as_str(), $good_example);
221            $(
222                let maybe = $name::try_from_bytes($more_good_examples.as_bytes());
223                assert!(maybe.is_ok());
224                assert_eq!(maybe, $name::try_from_raw(maybe.unwrap().into_raw()));
225                assert_eq!(maybe.unwrap().as_str(), $more_good_examples);
226            )*
227            assert!($name::try_from_bytes($bad_example.as_bytes()).is_err());
228            $(
229                assert!($name::try_from_bytes($more_bad_examples.as_bytes()).is_err());
230            )*
231        }
233        #[test]
234        fn test_writeable() {
235            writeable::assert_writeable_eq!(&$good_example.parse::<$name>().unwrap(), $good_example);
236            $(
237                writeable::assert_writeable_eq!($more_good_examples.parse::<$name>().unwrap(), $more_good_examples);
238            )*
239        }
241        #[cfg(feature = "serde")]
242        impl<'de> serde::Deserialize<'de> for $name {
243            fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error>
244            where
245                D: serde::de::Deserializer<'de>,
246            {
247                struct Visitor;
249                impl<'de> serde::de::Visitor<'de> for Visitor {
250                    type Value = $name;
252                    fn expecting(
253                        &self,
254                        formatter: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>,
255                    ) -> core::fmt::Result {
256                        write!(formatter, "a valid BCP-47 {}", stringify!($name))
257                    }
259                    fn visit_str<E: serde::de::Error>(self, s: &str) -> Result<Self::Value, E> {
260                        s.parse().map_err(serde::de::Error::custom)
261                    }
262                }
264                if deserializer.is_human_readable() {
265                    deserializer.deserialize_string(Visitor)
266                } else {
267                    Self::try_from_raw(serde::de::Deserialize::deserialize(deserializer)?)
268                        .map_err(serde::de::Error::custom)
269                }
270            }
271        }
273        // Safety checklist for ULE:
274        //
275        // 1. Must not include any uninitialized or padding bytes (true since transparent over a ULE).
276        // 2. Must have an alignment of 1 byte (true since transparent over a ULE).
277        // 3. ULE::validate_byte_slice() checks that the given byte slice represents a valid slice.
278        // 4. ULE::validate_byte_slice() checks that the given byte slice has a valid length.
279        // 5. All other methods must be left with their default impl.
280        // 6. Byte equality is semantic equality.
281        #[cfg(feature = "zerovec")]
282        unsafe impl zerovec::ule::ULE for $name {
283            fn validate_byte_slice(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<(), zerovec::ZeroVecError> {
284                let it = bytes.chunks_exact(core::mem::size_of::<Self>());
285                if !it.remainder().is_empty() {
286                    return Err(zerovec::ZeroVecError::length::<Self>(bytes.len()));
287                }
288                for v in it {
289                    // The following can be removed once `array_chunks` is stabilized.
290                    let mut a = [0; core::mem::size_of::<Self>()];
291                    a.copy_from_slice(v);
292                    if Self::try_from_raw(a).is_err() {
293                        return Err(zerovec::ZeroVecError::parse::<Self>());
294                    }
295                }
296                Ok(())
297            }
298        }
300        #[cfg(feature = "zerovec")]
301        impl zerovec::ule::AsULE for $name {
302            type ULE = Self;
303            fn to_unaligned(self) -> Self::ULE {
304                self
305            }
306            fn from_unaligned(unaligned: Self::ULE) -> Self {
307                unaligned
308            }
309        }
311        #[cfg(feature = "zerovec")]
312        impl<'a> zerovec::maps::ZeroMapKV<'a> for $name {
313            type Container = zerovec::ZeroVec<'a, $name>;
314            type Slice = zerovec::ZeroSlice<$name>;
315            type GetType = $name;
316            type OwnedType = $name;
317        }
318    };
321macro_rules! impl_writeable_for_each_subtag_str_no_test {
322    ($type:tt $(, $self:ident, $borrow_cond:expr => $borrow:expr)?) => {
323        impl writeable::Writeable for $type {
324            fn write_to<W: core::fmt::Write + ?Sized>(&self, sink: &mut W) -> core::fmt::Result {
325                let mut initial = true;
326                self.for_each_subtag_str(&mut |subtag| {
327                    if initial {
328                        initial = false;
329                    } else {
330                        sink.write_char('-')?;
331                    }
332                    sink.write_str(subtag)
333                })
334            }
336            #[inline]
337            fn writeable_length_hint(&self) -> writeable::LengthHint {
338                let mut result = writeable::LengthHint::exact(0);
339                let mut initial = true;
340                self.for_each_subtag_str::<core::convert::Infallible, _>(&mut |subtag| {
341                    if initial {
342                        initial = false;
343                    } else {
344                        result += 1;
345                    }
346                    result += subtag.len();
347                    Ok(())
348                })
349                .expect("infallible");
350                result
351            }
353            $(
354                fn write_to_string(&self) -> alloc::borrow::Cow<str> {
355                    #[allow(clippy::unwrap_used)] // impl_writeable_for_subtag_list's $borrow uses unwrap
356                    let $self = self;
357                    if $borrow_cond {
358                        $borrow
359                    } else {
360                        let mut output = alloc::string::String::with_capacity(self.writeable_length_hint().capacity());
361                        let _ = self.write_to(&mut output);
362                        alloc::borrow::Cow::Owned(output)
363                    }
364                }
365            )?
366        }
368        writeable::impl_display_with_writeable!($type);
369    };
372macro_rules! impl_writeable_for_subtag_list {
373    ($type:tt, $sample1:literal, $sample2:literal) => {
374        impl_writeable_for_each_subtag_str_no_test!($type, selff, selff.0.len() == 1 => alloc::borrow::Cow::Borrowed(selff.0.get(0).unwrap().as_str()));
376        #[test]
377        fn test_writeable() {
378            writeable::assert_writeable_eq!(&$type::default(), "");
379            writeable::assert_writeable_eq!(
380                &$type::from_short_slice_unchecked(alloc::vec![$sample1.parse().unwrap()].into()),
381                $sample1,
382            );
383            writeable::assert_writeable_eq!(
384                &$type::from_short_slice_unchecked(vec![
385                    $sample1.parse().unwrap(),
386                    $sample2.parse().unwrap()
387                ].into()),
388                core::concat!($sample1, "-", $sample2),
389            );
390        }
391    };
394macro_rules! impl_writeable_for_key_value {
395    ($type:tt, $key1:literal, $value1:literal, $key2:literal, $expected2:literal) => {
396        impl_writeable_for_each_subtag_str_no_test!($type);
398        #[test]
399        fn test_writeable() {
400            writeable::assert_writeable_eq!(&$type::default(), "");
401            writeable::assert_writeable_eq!(
402                &$type::from_tuple_vec(vec![($key1.parse().unwrap(), $value1.parse().unwrap())]),
403                core::concat!($key1, "-", $value1),
404            );
405            writeable::assert_writeable_eq!(
406                &$type::from_tuple_vec(vec![
407                    ($key1.parse().unwrap(), $value1.parse().unwrap()),
408                    ($key2.parse().unwrap(), "true".parse().unwrap())
409                ]),
410                core::concat!($key1, "-", $value1, "-", $expected2),
411            );
412        }
413    };